Logo, Visual Identity
→ 2019
Client: CBF
Agency: Ana Couto
Role: Graphic Design
Team: Adilson Jr., Ana Couto, André de Virgillis, Carolina Lins, Danilo Cid, Erika Pinheiro, Gabriel M. Ramos, Leonardo Moreira, Lucas Rodrigues, Luiz Felippe Netto, Rafael Torres, Stefano Arpassy, Suzana Graciosa
Photography: Lucas Figueiredo (CBF), Thais Magalhães (CBF), Pedro Vale (CBF), Nike Football
Jewelry: Uzistore
Awards: Brasil Design Award (Branding, Graphic Design)
→ Visual identity creation for the Brazilian Soccer Confederation, CBF. We show respect for the brand and history, bringing the new, without giving up the past. We kept the shape of the shield, as well as the cross in the center. The tracks gained movement and expanded to create new connections, expressing the swing and overcoming, on and off the field. The graphics are inspired by the work of the Brazilian artist Athos Bulcão, created from fragments of the shape of our shield. Our colors gain more strength and intensity, bringing more modernity to the Brand in digital media. The typography is composed of two fonts developed by Brazilians, which reinforces our best Brazilianness.